Our mission for Nutrigold was to enhance their social media platforms with a social media revamp as well raise consumer awareness of inside out health with a series of #NutriGLOW Influencer Wellness Campaigns,
from the first touch-point of strategy through to execution.
Socal Media & PR Strategy
Beginning with a social media re-vamp and a strategy for content & PR Influencer marketing.
Scroll below to see some results!
Organic Audience Growth of 10% after 2 weeks
134% Increase in profile visits
154% Increase in impressions
27.5% Increase in Website Traffic
Hover Here!
After Social Media Revamp & #NutriGLOW Campaign
PR Wellness Campaign
For international day of happiness, we brought Instagram & Tiktok Influencers their very own #NutriGLOW Box full of goodies with a potential reach of 220,000+ users on IG.
Some of the results from the 1st Influencer Marketing campaign after 2 weeks of organic IG engagement, a social media re-vamp and launching an engaging content strategy.
Project Highlights
Project Mission
- Increase Brand Exposure
- Revamp Socials
- Grow IG audience
- Raise a social awareness of the company through a series of #NutriGLOW Social Media / PR Campaigns.
- Healthcare & Wellbeing
- Beauty
Highlights of the Project
- 60.5% increase in IG Reach
-35.4% Increase in Impressions
- 36.3% increase in Website traffic from Social Media
- Collaborated with 2+ consumer brands created strong relationships with Influencers